Maitland Sports Ground, NSW

DFS Government Architect Office

North Construction & Building Roofing


1100m2 of COLORBOND® steel in Shale Grey™

First half of 2017


The Project

Located just north of Sydney, the Maitland Sports Ground underwent a major reconstruction of the entire sporting complex. The $8.6m development includes a new 1,100 undercover seated grandstand which includes upgraded change rooms, canteen and public amenities.

Fielders were commissioned alongside North Construction & Building and DFS Government Architect Office to deliver the roofing for the Grandstand to meet the design requirement for the new community sporting hub.

Completed in the first half of 2017, the project included the total demolishing of the 80-year-old structure to make way for a fresher, more contemporary development.

The Process

ARAMAX® roofing sheets were rolled on-site, utilising the flexibility of the Fielders Mobile Mill team, working with the roofing contractor and crane company to efficiently lift sheets direct to roof. Reducing transport costs and overall usage of crane times.

Lorn Roofing installed the 1100m2 of ARAMAX® roofing and used the ARAMAX® profile as box gutters. This was installed during the early stages of the grandstand's construction period, creating an effortlessly modern and sophisticated aesthetic. Architects worked closely with the Fielders team from the design stages, to the steel workshop drawing process, and right through to the installation phase.

The Solution

Fielders ARAMAX® was selected by architects at the DFS Government Architect Office due to the contrast the COLORBOND® Steel Shale Grey™ offered to the dark exterior planned for the main structure.

While selected for aesthetic enhancement, the product was also desired for its large roofing spans, eliminating the requirement of purlins. As a result, this removed additional costs and complexities involved with the structure’s roof and allowed for faster installation.